well, we are getting closer to finalizing things! the home inspector came out today, along with the termite guy, the appraiser, the buyers and the air conditioning guy. why an air conditioning guy you ask? well, let me tell you.
wednesday night at 3 in the morning i had to go to the bathroom. emily had already made her way in our bed and things were crowded, so i decided to go and sleep in her room. as i was walking through the dining room i heard something dripping. i looked up, and there was water coming out of the ceiling - a lot. i realized it was coming from the area of the attic where the air conditioning drip pan was. and although it was coming out of one area, it had spread all the way around the seam. i woke dan up so he could deal with it. he got up in the attic and cleaned up all the water, put a fan in the attic, and tried to dry the ceiling a little. we were soooo frustrated! tuesday we'd already had the roto-ruter guy out here for nothing; monday all the toilets were clogged, but of course by the time he had gotten out here, the line had magically cleared itself...now this happens?!? anyway, obviously we had to tell the buyers about it so we had an ac guy out to fix the clog. dan thinks the only thing we'll really have to do is patch a little where the water was actually coming out, and just kilz and paint the rest. the buyers were okay with that - thankfully!!
not the greatest picture, but you can sorta see the damage.
also, the buyers loved what dan did in the kitchen. he worked really hard, and it shows. emily did make us laugh a little about the kitchen. every couple of days she would walk in there when dan was working and comment about the pink not showing anymore. also, ethan was on the counter yesterday when i was fixing him something to drink and he patted the counter and said it was "daddy's work" - it was funny, they both knew dan worked hard on it! also, emily was very concerned about the sink; she kept telling dan how glad she was he put it back together. she told me she was happy about it because now she could put her cups in the sink where they belonged! she was so concerned things were not getting put in their right places; a little ocd if you ask me - just like me, actually....
also, we've made an offer on a house here in league city. we looked all around the clear lake area, but found one in league city that we really liked. it's across the freeway from where we are now, just about 10 minutes. it's a 6 bedroom with a gameroom; master down - and i can have my own sewing room!! hopefully we'll know this weekend if they'll counter us on price or not. but since it's Easter weekend, we'll probably have to wait until monday.
so that's all the news on the hunting. hopfully i can do two posts in one day and give good news about the house we made an offer on!!
update on the update: they counter offered us, and we accepted! we are moving!!! come and see us!