a week or so ago emily told me how she wanted to come downstairs in the middle of the night and go outside to look at the stars. i told her going outside, especially at night, without us was not a great idea -- and she should never do that. poor emily, all she wanted was to look at the stars and she got a lecture.
anyway, last night not soon after it got dark emily & ethan asked me if it was okay to go out and watch the stars twinkle. i said, sure! they were shocked and surprised. i'm sure they were expecting me to say, no, not right now. i got the same shocked look from ethan that i do when he asks me (and he asks at least twice a day) if he can play in the water hose - and i actually say yes.
so the three of us went out into the backyard and sat and watched the stars twinkle. emily ooh'ed and ah'ed, and ethan too. it was actually a very nice fallish night. the breeze was blowing slightly and it was a cool one! i stayed out there with them for a while, then i said it was time to come in and of course, they asked it they could play out in the moonlight. my defenses were already down, so i agreed and they took off for 5 more minutes.
i watched them from inside and realized how incredibly wonderful they are. they have their moments where they frustrate the crap out of me, but that's okay. they are only little for a little while! i'm having a hard time with letting them grow up. i'll be sad when ethan does not want me to rock him before he goes to bed at night, and i'll be sad when emily stops asking me to play with her -- and of course, i just want elliot to be a baby - not an 18 month-old toddler!
i get asked all the time if dan and i are "through" with having kids. elliot is almost 18 months old and with the other two i was already pregnant (or had) another when they were his age. i guess i've got baby fever. the short answer is yes. i have always wanted to adopt, maybe in a few years we can think about that. but this is really a whole new chapter in our lives with kids. we have a toddler, and i'm not pregnant!! we've given away or sold the majority of our baby gear...dan has plans to make the nursery into a music room...as elliot outgrows clothes i don't have to save them for another baby. it's just plain out weird. anyway.
so anyway, i'm just enjoying my kids today....even though they think i don't know they are upstairs playing instead of napping. :)
also, i asked jaime turner if i could announce the birth of their 3rd child - and she said yes. :) Charley Reann was born yesterday around 4:30 or so! mom and baby are doing well. i went to the hospital today to meet her -- she's so tiny and precious! davy and jaime's other two boys were either 10 lbs. or almost 10, and little Charley was not even 8 lbs.! so, congrats to the turners!!