i heart...
as long as i can remember, i have fallen asleep at night listening to the TV. when i was a teenager, my dad would come in my room and turn it off before he went to bed. and now, dan turns it off. :) but my favorite shows to fall asleep to are seinfeld and king of the hill. why? because i've seen them so much i don't even have to watch. they play in my head. i'm usually asleep before they are even over.
i've discovered a new station: pbs hd. they have a totally different line-up than the regular pbs station. i love the programming, it's high on earth science. LOVE earth science. i've been recording cool shows these days. i have to admit, the hd channel has really tight graphics. my new favorite pbs shows: frontline, secrets of the dead, nova, walking the bible, exploring space and history detectives.
i think now we probably need to contribute to pbs. with emily's curious george fixation and my pbs fixation in general, we owe a lot of money to them. oh yeah, daniel watches a lot of their saturday morning programming. although they've jacked with their schedule lately...
i wish i did not love TV so much. i just hope i don't make my kids love it. some days though i turn it off all day. the quiet is nice. i try to do it a couple of times a week. i'm working my way up to having it off a lot. :)
i feel so much better!