FINALLY! a new year of MDO has arrived! it's been a long summer. i know they are glad to be back, they love school.
i feel really comfortable with elliot's teachers; ms. nancy took care of ethan when he was in the nursery class, and ms. nanine was in emily's room last year. it was hard for me to leave him today, i cried a little when i dropped him off! i felt totally stupid, but it was the first time i've left him other than at church, and i've never left him for 4 hours before! when i picked him up they told me he was very happy all day. he did not drink much of his bottle, or nap, but he was okay! her are a couple of pics i took when i picked him up. he's holding his burp cloth and has his extra outfit on. i guess he spit up a bunch! when he saw me walk in he started smiling - he made me choke up! i'm just glad he was happy today.
ethan has the same teachers as last year, and that's great for him. he has some separation issues. he really bonded with both his teachers last year and he was excited to see them. he cried, of course, but the director let me know he calmed down soon after i left. this is ethan right before he went in his class. he loves his lunch box. he sometimes carried it around during the summer!
emily's teachers are new to the program. i like them too! ms. sarah holds a masters in education and has a lot of goals for them this year. that'll be good for emily. we think she needs to be challenged. really though, she just needs to learn she's not in charge all the time. there are 21 kids in her class - that's a lot of 4 and 5 year olds. we hope a couple of them have stronger personalities than she does. not likely, but we can hope! also, i took my first shot at sewing clothes for her. my mom was here for a few days. she walked me through this dress, and surprisingly it was not as hard as i thought. i'm not used to reading a pattern. i just kinda think about what i want to sew and do it. i think the next dress i'll make will be denim with a monogram...
i've realized for me to be the best mom i can be to them, i have to have a break. even elliot. not having any family around makes it hard for dan and i to have any time for ourselves. dan get's the raw end of the MDO deal; he still has to work on those days and help with the kids when he gets home. at least he gets to have lunch with me alone sometimes! :) i go through this every year, doubting the reasons why we pay money for someone else to watch them - but they really do love to go, and i really need them to go!
well, that's it! they had a great day, and i had an even better day! i sorta just took my time doing things. i actually got to eat lunch AND go to the bathroom all by myself!! i can't wait until i get caught up on my housework so i can sew while they are gone. my website, is about a month or so from being up and operational. i love MDO! tuesday's and thursday's are my new favorite days!