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Friday, January 20, 2006

Women in Crisis

i survived the week of extra kids! i did decide i would not be working at MDO until after we sell the house and move. i need to take advantage of every opportunity.

tonight i found myself blubbering like an idiot listening to the radio. our local christian radio station, KSBJ, is hosting "the world's largest baby shower" - i'm sure it's not the largest. anyway. for about 5 years now KSBJ has been partnering with our local Crisis Pregnancy Centers collecting things they need. i got in the car in the middle of one of their updates and caught the last of a story about a 16 year-old girl. she came in to one of the centers last week to get counseling - she thought her only option was to abort. she was terrified to tell her parents she was pregnant. anyway, she had an ultrasound at the center, and right then and there decided to keep her baby. and even better, after the volunteer shared Christ with her, she accepted Jesus. i started crying right there. it was so neat to hear about what their ministry really does. their not just about collecting cribs, diapers etc. but they really care about the girls and their hearts.

listening to that story brought me back to being pregnant with ethan. when i was about 6 months pregnant i began noticing this girl, i'd say between 14 and 16 in the OB office. every time i saw her i would try not to really look at her - but it was hard, she was the only young girl in the office waiting. the rest of us had our husbands (or whatever) with us for support, but she had her mom. who knows if the father of the baby was still with her, but i always wished for him to be there. even though her mom was there with her she looked scared to death. i kept thinking about delivering emily, and how tough that was - how was this tiny little girl going to handle delivery and being a mom?? i was 32 at the time and sometimes i could barely make it. i prayed for that girl for a while. i'm glad she was there - whether it was to be a mom to her child, or to deliver and give another family a child.

what a miracle conception, pregnancy and birth is. as i type, i can feel a life kicking around in my body. sometimes i don't even notice it, but tonight i will. my prayer right now is for scared girls all over the houston area who have lives growing in their bodies. i pray God would give them hope and courage and lead them to a CPC to hear about Christ and the plans He has for them, and their babies.


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