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Friday, January 06, 2006

whoo hoo! dan and i are going on a date tonight. a friend from church out of the blue asked if she could come over and watch the kids so we could have a break. her husband is on a trip with one of his religion classes to the Holy Land, and i think she's bored. anyway, it was an offer we could not refuse. it'll be an interesting time since my ears are still plugged up. if we go out to eat i'll have to read his lips - with all that background noise i'm sure i'll be totally deaf.

going out is a treat for us. we have not sprung for a paid babysitter since i was pregnant with ethan. why you ask? in a nutshell, money. when it's all said and done we've spent way too much money to do it a lot, so we really try to trade off watching other friend's kids, and really, we've not done that a lot. all bets are off when you have a baby that nurses and refuses to take a bottle - emily started us on our "going out alone" fast.

i know it's foreign to some couples not going out. i was a nanny for two boys for six years and that couple had noooo problem leaving me with their kids. the first time they left town after the second boy was born was when he was 3 weeks old!! i was not too worried, they had another nanny that was solely responsible for brice until he slept through the night. man, what a gig that must have been for that woman. teaching somebody else's kid to sleep through the night. i'm sure she was paid well. i do remember thinking that one day when i did have kids they would not love their babysitter as much as they loved me. but on the bright side, i made a ton of money. so much that, if ron ever wants to run for public office i was told to deny ever setting foot on erie drive - you know, i was paid in cash. ANYWAY.

we do see movies, but since we've discovered the free movies at the library we just wait for the ones we want to see to come to dvd and check them out. grant it, the wait is usually about 6 months, but oh well. sometimes we'll spring for the kroger rental movies - you know, the movie box outside the check-out stands. but that's only if we REALLY want to see something. but the downside of watching anything is i'm normally asleep by 8:30 or 9 so dan has to tell me how the movie ends...i have not been a fun date in a while.

i don't even really miss going out. i'm sure when our kids are older we'll start to go out and see movies and eat alone. but here i am, pregnant again and thinking we only have a few more precious weeks to go out and do anything. but i'm sure we'll not get around to it. by the time we want to do something my blood pressure will be so high i'll be on couch rest.

oh the joys of raising kids with no grandparents around.


Blogger Megan said...

people who have their parents around are very fortunate. it would be nice to be able to dump your kids off on someone who loves them as much as you do. i'm VERY thankful for my BCM girls that have kept Jolie for free many times. i'm always nervous i'm going to abuse their generosity. y'all have a GREAT date!

3:09 PM  
Blogger Deborah said...

Wow yall are lucky! The only time Aaron and I get to go out alone is when our church has childcare! It is once a month. I have a hard time paying someone 8-10 bucks an hour so I can go eat or watch a movie. I know we need to go out more, but we are cheap! If only we lived closer to the grandparents!

3:39 PM  
Blogger Shandra said...

I agree!! I wish our grandparents lived closer too! When they come in town they offer to keep Andrew, but since I'm not used to leaving him all I can do is think about him through the whole dinner and wonder what he's doing. Enjoy your date!!

7:54 AM  

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