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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

poor Emily. she wants our house to have Christmas lights so bad!! a couple of weeks ago most of our neighbors started putting theirs up. we normally have ours up a few days after thanksgiving, but due to all the sickness we're late, and she's sad. whenever we are out (even in broad daylight) she points out how "bootiful" the houses are that are decorated & lit up. it's sad to hear her say her dad will make our house "all bright" soon. she will be so happy when dan puts the lights up saturday! i'm excited to put christmas decorations up - albeit late. as i take things down and put decorations up, i'm packing the non-seasonal things for good! we are putting our house up for sale in january & i see no reason to put things back after christmas if i'll have to just take them down again. and plus, i've been watching the sell this house! series on a&e and all the suggestions are to take down the family pictures and get rid of the clutter. i've got a handle on the clutter - i hate nick nacks...

i think emily knows we are planning to do something with the house - she listens to everything dan and i say, so how could she not?? anyway, she told me the other day that we would have to make the house "this much longer" so the baby would fit. imagine her doing the motions to deep and wide and you'll picture what she was doing. i told her we would just find a new house and she totally objected to that. will moving totally mess with her mind?? i hope so, just a little. we are fighting the nighttime war with her, and currently, she's winning. i don't know what the average age is, but she learned how to open doors a few months ago (just before she turned 3). so since she's learned that skill she comes in our room several times a night. we've tried everything to keep her in. so when we move being in new surroundings at night may harm her forever or solve the problem. i'm hoping it solves the problem!!


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